An Introduction
Before we dive into the heart of this class, which is engineered to give you the tools you need to plot a romance quickly using something I like to call “signposts,” we should take a quick look at goals and objectives. It’s good to have your own goals firmly in mind when you start a class so you can assess if you got out of it what you’d hoped.
This class will offer one method of plotting romance. No plotting method works for every writer, but when you’re done with this course, you will have one more tool in your box that you can apply if it feels right. If it’s not a good fit, you’ll still have this method to color your experience. For some writers, the best methodology is a mix of many they’ve studied over time.
This course will use a path or a road as a metaphor, identifying signposts along the way. With that analogy in mind, let’s look down the path before us as we embark on this short trip together.
- We’ll go through a brief introduction.
- We will define the romance genre, highlighting what it is and what it is not, which will ensure we are all on the same page.
- We’ll discuss the signposts – the actual elements, step by step, that make up a romance.
- We’ll sum up what we’ve covered.
- We’ll look at some resources you can rely on to continue learning.
So if you’re ready, let’s begin!